@ 27.225 MHz: Brief Discussion From The Plantagenet Era, From 1974 [Revised Repost]

Richard?  That is true but some say it shocks:
that he asked to be named Governor of the North,
and one nice day they gladly sallied forth---
he, and his Lady, Anne, with just a few servants.
He and his Lady claim to be very much in love
in a court where friendships are unstable as silt;
temporary alliances are the courtiers' common lot.
The court provides too much free company:
that often leads to whispered calumny.
Richard and Anne prefer only their intimacy
to be enjoyed nightly in the cold North's privacy;
after a supper provides the culinary prelude
to their mutual and giggly amorous mood.
On their bed is a most enormous, hand-stitched quilt.
Beneath it, or so I have been quietly told,
they will never be distracted by the cold;
but even cuddled together and totally nude
(unpurse those lips, I am not being rude!),
they will be delectably warm, even hot,
spending their nights' long hours in breathless pleasure
through all of its variations without measure
for only they can count and value that sum---
how many times over and without number,
until, at dawn, even the sun will rise and come
in windowed pink light, as they begin to slumber..
And Lady Anne is such a curvacious fox!
Lord Richard adores her with such fervence.
Author's Notes/Comments: 

I first began to study Richard III, seriously, in spring, 1974, for my first actual, footnoted, research paper.  I

have only recently learned that his marriage to Anne Neville was actually an intense, very intimate, relationship.  He was murdered, by the upstart Henry Tudor, on Bosworth Field, not long after Anne had passed away.  Richard, well trained in statecraft, political discretion, and warfare, and an excellent strategist, may have no longer wanted to live in a world from which Anne was absent, and so preferred regicide to suicide---which, in his Catholic faith, would have been the better choice.  Henry Tudor's battlefield victory was hollow compared to Anne's romantic victory over Richard's heart, from the days when they were teenagers together.

1974 was a very significant time during my adolescence.  My sophomore year in high school ran from 1973-1974.  That was the last and, perhaps the worst (psycholocially; as sixth grade was the worst, physically) for bullying.  But it was also the year, in the spring quarter, that I also wrote my first actually researched term paper (including, for my first time, footnotes and a bibliography)---written in response to Thomas B. Constain's monograph, The Last Plantagenets.

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