@ 27.225 MHz: WallStones; Time In Line

No matter what timeline we visit,

we are always parted at some point:

parental interference, assassination,

assignment to a labor camp, or to

schools of reheterosexualization.

That sort of prejudice is so insidious

that it infects every timeline we examine:

insisting that two adolescent boys

are not permitted to be lovers.  From

point to point, detials and methods differ

but the effect is always the same.  Then

I realized:  in our travel between the

various timelines, and in the

interchronolocial space and time

through which we travel, we are

together without interruption or

intrusion, or demanded explanation;

neither haters nor prudes present to

threaten us with punishments---incarceration,

execution, or the most statistically prevalent

solution, described as torture until the life

force is extinguished, as the statute books 

repeatedly present it.  These worlds and

their petty permutations of intolerance are the

interruptions to our relationship; they are

destinies, but not destination.  The real

sanctuary and shelter for Love---such as

we experience it---is this massive and

powerful vessel; together with the 

Golemicals that protect us and the

countless picobots that serve us.  Outside

our observation deck, or the translucent

canopy above our bed, stars, planets, and

nebulae swirl into the infinitely changing

spectra of the cosmic kaloseidosskopia, more

beautiful and enlivening than than the

worlds that we have witnessed and abandoned

could ever appreciatve even in part.


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