+ 27.225 MHz: Food For Thought, A Tanka In Memory Of Shiki

The atoms of all

this earth contains were fused in

stars' cores, even this

earth---all from stars:  food for thought;

for the soul, a sweet morsel.






Author's Notes/Comments: 

They tell me that the great Haiku Poet, Shiki (October 14, 1867--September 19, 1902), was bedridden in 1897, and in 1901 was wracked constantly and consistently by enormous pain; yet he continued to produce Haiku, and to raise the standard of Haiku in Japan to the high levels it enjoys today.  Although I prefer the form of Tanka to Haiku---I am too verbose for three lines and their seventeen syllables---I admire Shiki's achievement as the Poet and the human being that he was.

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patriciajj's picture

Silenced by awe.    Just . .

Silenced by awe. 


Just . . . wow. I could expound upon the metaphysical torrent that gushes from your striking, distilled thoughts, but that would be gilding the perfect lily.  


Again, silenced. 

J-C4113d's picture

Thank you so very much for

Thank you so very much for such a complimentary comment.  And I too am silenced in reply, silenced by the grandeur of your compliment, and humble in its light.
