This is what he told me, last week,
during a walkaround after lunch to
avoid the listening devices:
Seven years since the last surviving one
was eliminated; that was your senior
collegiate year, at a private university
right?---I thought so. I pride myself on
mastering even the trivial details of my
friends' lives; I have so few of them, any
more that the process is relatively easy.
The Minister of Exterior Information
generously but rather accurately
praised my decision (in a special bulletin
carried on the third pace of the
TRiUMPhant Trumpet;
ues, the hard copy of the article, framed,
hangs on a siteworthy place on the wall
opposite my desk, where I can see it): a
publiclly and pre-emptively broadcast hanging
(without hood) rather than a private
live dissection (without anesthetic)---rather
inexpensive to produce, greater entertainment
value (have you ever noticed this strange
phenomenon?---people seem to be less
squeamish about lynchings than surgical
procedures). and the advertising revenues
exceeded even the most wildly optimistic
projection. The SurreptSearches were
soon rescheduled (at least for that kind)
from daily, to weekly, and then monthly---
still maintained at that infrequency---when we
were able to prove---to the satisfaction of the
Supreme and CEOathed Trunpeter, himself:
that the existence of those Homos---faggots---
fairies---queers---had been finally, efficiently, and
entirely expunged (ripped, if you will, torn from the
rewoven fabric of our fashionable society)
and has become only a bad memory of bad
perversion (which even the Party's highest ranked
psychiatrists agree is, in all documented cases a
bad choice, or an act of subversively rebellious
attention-seeking to satisfy a disrutptive adolescence).
But I must admit this: once in a while, during those
eerily silent, sleepless nights (far more
frequent, now, than even in my own senior year at the
state university), I am haunted by what (I now
realize) is one of the most erotic, and most
natural sounds that we (arrogant bastards that we
are) drove into extinction (drove, with a zealously
thrilling excess of vindictive cruelty) into complete and
total, irrevocable extinction: the lovely, romantic
sounds of two beautiful men . . . fucking, the
almost poetic moans when they come . . . .
Just over seventy-two hours ago, the Second Assistant
Deputy Director was assassinated (bullet right through the
head, just as he was about to hail a cab; brains all over the
sidewalk, and the other work-force pedestrains, standing too
close to him). The suspect was brought in for questioning; but,
before that process began, he was shot while trying to escape;
shot---dead---while trying to escape. Today, I received a
PriEM (oh, right, you do not have those in the FastFood
business; that means, Priority E-Mail) that I am to be
promoted---Provisional First Assistant Deputy Director. That,
certainly, deserves a celebratory fuck. Oh, you shouldn't
worry: your husband won't worry about where you are
for several days---not until he sleeps off the worse
hangover of his niserable existence . . . .