+ 27.225 MHz: At The Triumph Of The Cross, 2

At Golgotha, surveilling Christ dead on His Cross,

the dreadful Prince of the power of the air, wept in selfish sorrow;

in that hour defeated, his ghastly powers diminished

to mere harrassment, debased toward his ultimate loss

when Jesus, dying, declared---one for all---It is finished.

And the Prince was cast out (a kind of metaphysical toss),

on that day . . . and today . . . and each subsequent tomorrow.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

John 19:17,30; Ephesians 2:2.

On the basis of Luke 23:49, read in conjunction with Luke 4:1-13, I believe that the Devil was a witness to the Crucifixion, and bewailed his accomplished defeat.  Christ's exclamation from the Cross operates, in my opinion, not only as a declaration that the work of our Salvation had been completed, but that the power of Satan was ultimately and fully defeated.

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