Footnote: Three Tanka [ /;\ ]

Cherry blossoms glide

upon crushed gravel as your

socks' softness (nuanced

to your nakedness) tease my

gladly bared, receptive flesh.

Spring's warm rain---fine as

mist---wets your shoeless brown socks,

your tan slacks' cuffs, your

shirtless torso, and the wild

cascade of your long, soft hair.

Acquaintances, then,

friends; then, boyfriends; then, lovers:

the love we made this

morning indwells even those

clouds, and the sun above them.


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patriciajj's picture

These three tanka could each

These three tanka could each stand alone, yet they fuse seamlessly together into a garden of physical, spiritual and earthly delights.


Nature is the thread that weaves sensuality and magnificence together. For instance, the cherry blossoms give a foretaste of a similar softness of the socks and their nuanced seduction; warm rain, a thin veil of moisture, awakens something primal in the observer in the second poem; the clouds and sun are vessels for the fully-blossomed love that drenches all creation in the third, forming a resplendent finale to the collection.


An alluring trio. 


J-C4113d's picture

Thank you very much for that

Thank you very much for that comment.  Akthugh I have not posted many Tanka sequences, I am always a little nervous that the interlinkage eliminates the stand-alone aspect.  But your comment---coming from a Poet of your ever rising stature---eliminates the question on this sequence.  And for that, I am most grateful.

   And I thank you for understanding, as you always do, the effect that the poem is trying to create or present.  And this is not just academic understanding; it is a nurturer and a sustainer, so that this series of poems can continue to thrive.  And, for that, I do not have enough words of gratitude to offer you.
