@ 27.225 MHz: WallStones; Your Uncle, The Professor, Doctor [Blanked], 5, Epilogue

"The local township deputes were not

"able to solve the mystery of who

"had made away with the corpse (presumed dead

"from the blood splattered through the car) of

"your Uncle, the Professor, Doctor [Blank].

"Of couse, forensics and the internet

"did not exist yet---not to the extent

"we take for granted, now.  That was decades

"ago.  How quickly adolescence fades.

"And look how quickly time has slipped away

"from us.  The sun long gone, the fullest moon

"dances across the sky.  Although I am

"an old man, my friends still call me WildStuff.

"And we are very pleased that you stopped by."


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