@ 27.225 MHz: WallStones; Your Uncle, The Professor, Doctor [Blanked], 4

Your Uncle, the Professor, Doctor [Blank]

noticed some figures moving through the woods.

"These are my friends," WildStuff said, climbing out

of the car.  "And they are quite anxious to

"make your acquaintance . . . during supper."  Then,

the lycanthropic change transformed him and

the others like him.  They descended on

your Uncle, the Professor, Doctor [Blank]

with a ferocity far in excess

of his, even when his strength was at peak.

His mind---that agile, academic mind---

could not quite process the event, for shock.

They rent him limb from limb, and harvested

his organs---quite enough to go around,

a roaring good time was had, there, by all.

A game of chance awarded his eyeballs

to LittleClaws who brough them back to the

communal lair, as a quick, midnight snack.

Having fed and sated themselves, the pack

slowly resumed their normal human forms.

WildStuff put on his hot pants and his socks,

and much enjoyed the softness of the leaves

strewn underneath his shoeless, pink-sheathed soles.

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