A prostitute is all that you can be
in this rigid, repressed society.
But your exquisite beauty has inspired
certain lines of erotic poetry;
and your body is very much desired;
though by old prudes and haters, much reviled.
Soft curls cascade--your profuse, waist-length hair---
over your flesh, which, now, is almost bare
except for those long stockings you like to wear,
during love, that sheathe yourlegs from thighs to toes.
Yes, you deserve exquisite verse, not prose;
so says your visitor, that Mr. Wilde,
on whom you will bestow the evening's joy:
you--legal to consent---still seem a boy.
But lust, not love, has its insidious way
of sometimes leading some lovers astray.
You fear that Mr. Wilde may meet a day
that brings unceasing horror and dismay
on him, so that his life's fabric must fray.