Let God be magnified.
---Psalm 70:4
Let God, the Lord, be magnified.
Let this praise be infintely multiplied;
from each peak, and in each valley, be it proclaimed and not denied.
In the Psalmist's Holy Words, let our joys abide---
no matter how the evil one will deride
and fling verbal assaults, belittling and snide.
We shall take shelter in the haven the Scriptures provide.
Let God, the Lord, be magnified:
by none who dwell on earth denied;
and in its words our circumstances are sanctified.
Its truth cannot be concealed, and from it we cannot hide.
Vertically and horizontally; up, down, and side to side;
in the straits or shallows, in the deep or wide,
let our words be so directed that God, the Lord, is magnified.
Amen to that brother. The
Amen to that brother. The truth that sets us free cannot be hidden.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir.