Out of you---neither powerful, nor famed, nor wealthy;
but full to brimming with the plenitude of Grace---
emerged (having thrived in your womb) the Word of God,
incarnate of your flesh; He who had framed the cosmos,
ignited the stars, and set the planets on their paths; to
announce the Good News of Salvation to any and all who
wanted to receive it; and sealed the offered promise
by destroying sin-death with His own sinless Death,
and vivifying Life with His own Resurrection. You
delivered to the world the gift of His ministry and your Son
delivered to the world the gift of His Father's graceful mercy,
merciful God, Who does not desire the damnation or loss of any life.
Before your eyes, He ascended to Heaven---
from Bethany, the town of His rest and relaxation---to
prepare a place for you . . . and for all who believe (even me),
for all who want to live with, and praise, Him forever . . . .
Januarian, an Orthodox Christian