Liturgy And Poetry

[dedicated to Patriciajj, whose friendship sustained

me through the struggle to reach this realization]

The Divine Liturgy

is praise and adoration

offered worshipfully;

and to which one is called by name

in Baptism and Chrismation,

abandoning pride's prancing shame

and its insidious perfidy.

And serious poetry

is casual, sometimes intimate, conversation,

a versified artistry,

composed and deployed skillfully;

in which one's identity

is an informality,

a gateway to verbal delectation.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This definition works for me, and within my poetry.  It is a sorting out of perspectives and purposes.  I do not suggest that it is axiomatic, but that it is pragmatic enough to be of assistance to my outlook going forward.

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I'm incredibly honored by the

I'm incredibly honored by the dedication. Thank you!


This wise and valuable perspective bridges spirituality and poetry with two corresponding stanzas. I love the conclusion that both aspects of self are perfected and purified by embracing simplicity: our Truth. You expressed it well in your instructions to keep one's identity "an informality" because if we aren't accessible, what good are we to God or each other? 


Elegant guidance. 


J-9thxciv's picture

The poem, and the peace of

The poem, and the peace of mind it represents, would not have existed without your wise advice.  Thanks for the kind comment.

J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]