+ 1ST POEMS: Written To Pray To Always Praise The Lord

Saved by Christ, my soul will always be kept alive

by the the joy of the Common Salvation,

the Faith that saved us (reeling in sin's lurch);

through which we are joined to the great congregation---

Christians gathered into the Orthodox Church.

Exclude from it all hesitancy

and procrastination---

all skeptical doubt and craven qualm---

from this process, and from its implementation.

Thus, henceforth, my soul shall thrive.

Be guided, my soul, by the hundred forty-fifth psalm.

Rejoice in Christ's gift; praise Him in grateful jubilation. 

Allude to this in subsequent poetry;

speak often of the Faith in days' and nights' conversation.

J-9thxciv, an Orthodox Christian

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The last line alludes to Deteronomy 6:7.

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saiom's picture

  I believe that animals have


I believe that animals have souls

and that your Archibald, so beautifully

described in Patricia's poem,

will be reunited with you 1 day.


Your poetry is Godfilled.



S74rd4rd157's picture

Thank you for the

Thank you for the compliment.  Although I am not sure what the reference to Archibald meands, I do appreciate the kind words.
