Saved by Christ, my soul will always be kept alive
by the the joy of the Common Salvation,
the Faith that saved us (reeling in sin's lurch);
through which we are joined to the great congregation---
Christians gathered into the Orthodox Church.
Exclude from it all hesitancy
and procrastination---
all skeptical doubt and craven qualm---
from this process, and from its implementation.
Thus, henceforth, my soul shall thrive.
Be guided, my soul, by the hundred forty-fifth psalm.
Rejoice in Christ's gift; praise Him in grateful jubilation.
Allude to this in subsequent poetry;
speak often of the Faith in days' and nights' conversation.
J-9thxciv, an Orthodox Christian
I believe that animals have
I believe that animals have souls
and that your Archibald, so beautifully
described in Patricia's poem,
will be reunited with you 1 day.
Your poetry is Godfilled.
Thank you for the
Thank you for the compliment. Although I am not sure what the reference to Archibald meands, I do appreciate the kind words.