+ 27.225 MHz: On Luke 24:29

Abide with me, Lord:  my day is far spent,

and pastel twilight tints the western sky's

span.  Eastward rises the first evening star---

light that has traveled very long and far

to be caught in my now myopic eyes---

(that did not always focus on the wise

prospect)---reminding me:  faith stays content.
Although I feared, in some past years, to live,
I do not now fear death.  The body dies;

the saved soul will enjoy continuation

and find, in your Kingdom, its exultation.

My many sins and failures You forgive,

and I have peace---the promise well assured

and given sanctity by Your Own Word.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Luke 24:29, KJV Ecclesiastes 12:7, Colossians 1:5, 13-14, 1 John 1:8-10, John 14:1 and 27, and 20:31.

For me, great spiritual meaning accrues to the fact that the light of some extinct stars continues to travel to our eyes, even though the star, itself, as sputtered out or collasped or exploded.  I think this follows the principle of interpretation asserted in Psalm 19.

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