Melodies XLIX; In Darkenered Caverns That Are Damp And Cold

In darkened caverns that are damp and cold,

blind, mutant spiders weave a silken mesh

around Neanderthal bones, stripped of flesh;

and, in a crevice, a still grinning skull

(however many millions of years old)

from which a compliment (however small)

of brains, like melting lard or butter, spilled.

Symbols---scraped on to one, smoothed granite wall,

by clumsy hands in an inchoate scrawl---

tell us (in past, present, or future tense?)

that what they have to say makes no real sense.

This travesty did not, for long, drag on---

supplanted by more verbose Cro-Magnon,

whose destiny was much better fulfilled.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hard to make a rhyme on the term CroMagnon.


The poem was inspired by a comment, and then shortly later by a poem, posted by the Poet, Stephen.  The poem is entitled "Caveman" and I recommend it most enthusiastically.

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