"'Omnia vincent Amor . . .'"
---Vergil, Eclogues, X
The artist asked me, that night, to undress---
not partly but to total nakedness:
to tease him, I made that a slow process.
He started to paint after I had drawn
the massive borrowed wings around my frame;
nor felt exploited, or burdened with shame.
A line from Vergil's early poetry
inspired the concept: it was frontally
posed, nothing very strenous. But yes,
the stance spread my legs. I had shaved down there
(not for dislike of ginger pubic hair;
I just happened to think---a passing whim---
that some occasional variety
might seem seductive, in its way, to him).
After a while, he said, "Time for a break."
And I, still nude, and quite bestirred to make
love with him, put sheer, silken stockings on
my shaven legs---and, inhibitions gone
(not that they ever meant that much before),
we gave ourselves with ardor to explore
the pleasures we desired . . . until the dawn.