What Early Christians thought and did---we should embrace.
What they did not accept or act upon---we should avoid.
Their Gospel still holds forth---through fath we are saved by Grace;
and that not of ourselves: it is God's gift, by Him deployed.
First Century Christians - The True Christians
Between the second and third century – apostasy had crept in, to God’s holy congregation of Christians. And in the following two millennia, the church absorbed nearly every pagan ideology under the sun – into its body… thereby becoming a true cesspool of demon teachings. And not until the appointed time of the twentieth century, did a group of bible students begin to strip away all those layers of corruption, that had slipped in from the Mystery Schools of Babylon – and begin to restore Christianity, to it’s first century ideals.
Not sure I can agree with
Not sure I can agree with calling the Church a cesspool---that goes against my sense of piety---but I do agree it picked up a bit of unwanted baggage along the way.