@ 27.105 MHz: Galacticies; Recommendation To The Galactic CommonMentHealth [Repost]

On that Earth, any damn thing they have to say or scrawl---

any string of words up with which they come, anything at all---

can be considered, declared, even hailed as Poetry;

any damn thing at all, as long as they want it to be.


And this applies to their morality,

which becomes, in its ultimate form, social irresponsibility.


After repeated reconnaissance and observation,

your board of researchers make this recommendation

on which we all agree

in complete concord and unanimity:

that the CommonMentHealth should strike without hesitation---

without warning, delay, or other procrastination---

against this planet's existential prevarication

before their wishful discontent becomes a contamination

across the inhabited galaxy.

An immediate pulverization

accurately deployed

with the narrowest possible focus and resolution

will accomplish the most desirable conclusion,

which we can no longer avoid;

and thus end the metaphysical blight

original to Earth and its singular satellite.

Their orbits will merge into another belt called Asteroid.



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