. . . And, when that time comes, let my tombstone bear an
image of my Savior's three-barred cross, the symbol of Salvation
then. below it, inscribe J-9thxciv
(the final form, the last appellation)
over my mundane initials and surname, and the dates that present
my birth and death in the flesh (the human situation).
Regardless of what well-meaning others think should be preferred---
this poem declares my parting wish (the final one).
To the Lord, also, I make it a prayer
(I have prayed forgiveness for the many wrongs I have done;
and I know my prayer has been heard).
I write this poem with the express intent
that it bear the force of a last will and testament.
This is my final request of you, made with full consent
composed in the form of my poetry:
signed, in good faith, irrevocably . . .
J-9thxciv, an Orthodox Christian