@ 27.105 MHz: Soselo, Unable To Stop The Steel, 1 [Repost]

Baggy trousers, soft socks on grass or dirt---

having removed your stiff shoes and your shirt---

you basked in this warm summer's cloudless glow;

writing the poems you signed as "Soselo."

But then a tragic tempest brought confusion---

the stranglehold that Lenin's communists

imposed on Russia during Revolution,

and separated you out of yourself;

and banished your verse to some dusty shelf.

But now you haunt the Kremlin like a ghost

as that which is the worst, horrific version

of you imposes murder and coercion---

on persons named as numbers on long lists---

each morning as it smears jelly on toast.

You wonder how much longer this must last---

this demonic presence crushing you in the past;

and you are helpless to stop (this unreal

and propogandized man known as) "the steel."

Russia writhes; and you weep for what you feel.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

The fracture and division between "Soselo," a sensitive adolescent Poet, and the demonic man that emerged out of him, known to history as Joe Stalin, a mass murderer more heinous and brutally efficient than Hitler, is so remarkable as to seem almost fictional.  Stalin was, of course, the creation and physical manifestation of Lenin's ideas; but to such a degree that even Lenin learned to fear him and, while dying, attempted to have him sidelined.  They tell me that, under Bolshevik leadership, the Soviet Union murdered far larger numbers of its people than even the heinously efficient Third Reich.

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