Coldly remember mom and dad?
I think they tried to drive me mad---
laughing at times when I was sad;
and who, with scorn, glibly assailed
most any hope or plan I had
(no cushioning to ease or pad
the blow). When I spoke of a crush,
they simply ordered me to hush;
and joked when my romances failed,
or when my highest earned grades trailed
the neighbors' kids. Their jeers and mocks
were like concealed, shipwrecking rocks---
incessant and intent abuse.
But when BlueLevels slipped his shoes
off the warm softness of his socks:
and he, bejeaned, longtressed, was glad
to help me, as I languished there
to seek escape from such despair,
that summer, and no more to care
for each harsh word---fist in a glove---
fiding firm shelter in his love.