+ 27.225 MHz: At Patmos, The Apostle Saint John

 But go your way, tell His disciples . . . that He

goeth before you into Galilee:  there you shall

see Him, as He said unto you.

---Mark 16:7

Although Patmos, this island, is quite far

from the profuse beauty of Galilee

and such a rockpatch cannot be called home

(existing to impose the wrath of Rome

upon those who, here, bear the penalty---

whom, Rome believes, acted disloyally).

But, though this is a place haunted by fear

and by threat of inflicted injury---

still, Jesus, in His glory, has drawn near

to you and given you the Revelation

of His regnant glory and exaltation,

and vision of the Heavenly salvation

which, dying crucified, He had called, Finished.

The joy that David sung is not diminished---

and will bring your soul into exultation,

illumined by that Bright and Morning Star.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Revelation 1:9-18; Ephesians 2:6; John 19:30; Psalm 35:9; and, my favorite verse, Revelation 22:16.

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