My Mother Died Some Years Ago

". . . saints and sinners, go your way . . ."

---Estlin Cummings, aka e.e. cummings,

"Annie Died The Other Day"


My mother died eight years ago,

nor do we feel a warm, soft glow

toward her, who chose---as her default

response---an always sharp insult.

Mostly unappreciated

by those who knew her, if not hated,

her, the worst torture of all

(and, dear God, she sure had her gall)

was the foul taste of her cole slaw;

that each, who tasted, denigrates

to this day.  Banned in most states

as a rank obscenity,

it still can haunt my memory.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

My poem is a respectful parody of the poem cited in the epigraph.  I have read that Estlin Cummings disliked the appellation of e.e.cummings, which was, supposedly, a publisher's gimmick when his first book was published.  Out of deference to this Poet, one of the first whom I studied when I began to read poetry in 1973, I used the form of his preference, and the form by which he is now better known.

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