For Aaron And Russell

Your downhome prejudice and cruelty

effected the most heinous perfidy.

But on that Last Day's final reckoning,

as, for you, Hell enlarges, beckoning

you will experience God's final slam---

from which you cannot bargain clemency.

Meanwhile, as I consider you today,

I think of only one request to pray . . .

for both of you . . . that is, "God damn, God damn."




Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is dedicated to Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, the "aw shucks" thugs who murdered Matthew Shepard in 1998.  Although Matthew lost his life to their violence and prejudice, the great state of Wyoming allowed these two to keep their lives, although in incarceration.  What they deserve is to suffer unto death by slow, relentless, and excruciating torture; but, unfortunately, our Constitution does not permit that.  They will, however, face an implacable judgement, and a slow, relentless, excruciating, and eternal torture 


The last words of the last line are not presented as a blasphemous expletived, but as a theological truth based upon 1 John 5:16.


Lest any disbeliever attempt to persuade me that this is not a response appropriate to a Christian, I will cite Psalm 69:28, 1 John 5:16, 2 Timothy 4:14, and Revelation 6:10.

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