Fond Memory From My Senior Year, In The Month Of February, 1980

In Senior Seminar, I defended my paper,

successfuly, against the critiques of the whole class,

I was not, then, impressed by some malicious caper,

the mincing pirouette of a farting horse's ass,

who could not interpret a footnote, for all the petulance

with which it struts in its proclaimed, prohibitive ignorance.



Author's Notes/Comments: 
In senior seminar, each of us was require to write a final thesis, which was then to be defended before a person in the class elected to attack or disclose its weaknesses.  I asked that my paper, on "The Historical Philosophy Of Eusebius Pamphili, The First Scholar Of Christian History," be critiqued by the entire class, not just one.  My defense of the paper resulted in an A+ for that section of the course.
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