+ 27.225 MHz: On Prayer

I am led to believe that every moment of prayer,

even the briefest, is part of the Heavenly

worship that Christ, my Savior, has foreknown

and foreseen---before creation---from eternity;

but in time and space offered before His throne;

and that, despite human incompetency,

I am accepted in the Beloved, and therefore, never alone,

never beyond His Mercy and Grace, and salvific care;

His worshipper, through all of my life's nights and days---

assured that He kindly deigns to inhabit my praise.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hebrews 4;16; Ephesians 1:6; Psalm 22:3-5.  The first three lines of the poem allude to the various liturgical hymns in the Book of Revelation.

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This moving devotion is so

This moving devotion is so infused with a true and deep connection to the Creator, that it strikes a note of awe and hushed reverence in the heart. The truth is monumental and stirring; the artistry, an offering more than an ornament.


A stunning success in the eyes of Heaven. 

S74rd4rd157's picture

Thank you so very much.

Thank you so very much.
