+ 27.225 MHz: Reply To Neaniskos' Words In Mark 16:6

. . . He goeth before you into Galilee . . ."

---Mark 16:7


Our Savior, crucified and resurrected,

has called us to join Him in Galilee;

those sites of vital spirituality

where human foibles have been redirected

to love of brethren---pity--courtesy:

and serpentine guiles of base perfidy

are utterly and thoroughly rejected,

along with localized cacophony;

for these are just as empty as a wraith

that makes of human life a winding shroud;

but Christ Triumphant has conquered and cowed

that venomous and perverse enemy.

Jesus has led us out of our uncouth

life to that fellowship---Spirit and Truth.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Neaniskos is the name by which I refer, here and elsewhere, to the young man thus described in chapters fourteen and sixteen of Saint Mark's Gospel.  The poem's fifth line alludes to 1 Peter 3:8; the last line alludes to John 4:24.

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