Receiving A Manuscript From Celtic Britain

[to the memory of several Bardic poets---

Dyfed, Talhaiarn, Cynan, and Cynddelw; et al]


To Joseph's island (Celts call it Avalon),

our friend, the Poet, has been, for some years, gone.

But he has sent to us, who have too long held back,

this manuscript of his recent poetry;

in lieu, I suppose, of his splendid company

(for absence is always a sore enough lack).

This is a poetically Latin paraphrase

of the poetic Gospel of the Apostle John,

which leads the soul to stellar celebration:

the Spirit of Christ does not disdain habitation

even in our all too human, fumbling, praise.


Let us put this manuscript into translation---

and give it new form in litling, Koine Greek:


which is more seemly with which to write and speak.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

The manuscript being discussed by the speaker is the Paraphrase Of John's Gospel, attributed to the poet, Nonnus.  I happen to personally believe this same process was applied to the original manuscript of Saint Mark's Gospel---which would reconcile certain grammatical difficulties in its Greek style, as well as possibly explain its abrupt conclusion.

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