Footnote: Out Around The Hen House

"Your world is you."

---Wallace Stevens, "Bantams In Pine-Woods"


Long-beaked bantam, you

presumed to be cock of the

walk, pecking any

perceived foe, until that grim,

sly fox made away with you.


Your bones, picked clean, and

your useless beak were found at

the woods' edge, not far

from a pile of fresh fox turds,

which the rains will soon dissolve.


Boys---long-haired, shoeless,

shirtless, jeansclad; lovers---laugh

at your loss, during

long walks through meadows when loose

grass stems cling to their blue socks.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

The phrase in the second and third line of the first Tanka is not a pornographic expletive; it is an old agricultural phrase.

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