[After Luke 10:42, Eph. 1:4, And Heb 11:21]
Thank You, Lord: that You put Your Word into my heart;
that You chose even such as me for that Good Part.
And, in me, even me, You made it thrive;
through death's shadow it will keep me alive;
nor need I fear that I will not survive.
Death has been conquered, nor can ever strive
or grapple; and never, ever, can displace
Scriptural Faith founded on Christ's Resurrection,.
in which I am included through believing connection
that leads me starward from each age and place.
His blessings stand good for all time and through all space:
the Joy of the Orthodox Faith, the Common Salvation,
which is and shall always be my soul's chiefest exultation
among the Orthodox Faithful---that great congregation;
as well as my prayer-rope's starward inclination.
Let these poems praise You, Christ; and unceasingly,
I will declare my gratitude most worshipfully;
freed of sin's contamination,
forever through eternity.
Starward, an Orthodox Christian