Footnote: Response To The Poetry Neophyte's First Attempt At Tanka

Sentence fragments?  No

puncutation?  Random line

lengths?  "Oh woe is me,"

always the (dis) content?  Why

even write the damned thing?



Author's Notes/Comments: 

A couple of the descriptions are based upon of Jane Reichold's postulates about proper Tanka as conveyed by M. Kei in his online essay, The Problem Of Tanka:  Definition And Differentiation.  I disagree with Reichold's approach, generally, to Tanka; especially that sentences must be fragmented.  In my opinion, part of the challemge of the Tanka form is finding an accommodation for the sentence structure considered proper to our language, while yet retaining the 5/7/5/7/7 lineage and syllabic structure.  Although I have, at times, made use of Mokichi Saito's sixth line of seven syllables, I prefer the classical form to the exception of either Saito or Reichold.


Lest my statement be misinterpreted, I restrict it only to the Tanka form (and, possibly, by extension to the Haiku form); but not to any other sort of poem as posted on postpoems.


The neophyte in my poem is entirely fictive, and any resemblance to any poet is purely coincidental, and possibly a mistaken reading.

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