At A Plea For Forgiveness, 1

Oh, LORD, forgive me, I have prayed with too much haste.

From this prospect, my past is a lot of waste.

I was too much concerned for how my "free" time raced
away, and so my prayer times were too distantly spaced

apart; and my requests too selfishly based

in carnal concerns with a spiritually sour taste.

My gaze was too often inwardly faced,

and not sufficiently, Scripturally braced.

Yet, by Your Love, my life has been Graced.

without your Love, my own is like cheap, pre-school paste.

And in Your forgiving kindness, my hope is solidly placed.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

After Charles Stanley's broadcast, "Priority of Prayer," on April 19, 2020.  In over twenty-six years since I came to faith, this broadcast has been one of the most important sermons I have ever heard.  I urge you to check it out on the website,

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