Footnote: Kyoka For Haiku Master Basho, 1

That splash you heard when

the frog jumped:  was it the pond

water's sound or did

someone set the outhouse back

just for the plain fun of it?



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Over a century ago, my great great grandfather, Henry Dechant, who was said to be as mean as old cat urine, fell into the outhouse cesspool after his grandsons, my grandmother's brothers, set the outhouse shack back a bit, a couple of feet or two.  They did this after he had somehow reprimanded or punished them; and their resentment boiled over that night.  He was ancient at the time, and, with poor sight, still made his midnight visit---hobbling on two canes.  According to my grandmother, in the quiet of that rural summer night, they heard a terrific splash, followed by a bellowed scream. 

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