At The Apostle Saint Matthew's Good Mood

I saw Emmanuel come forth through Galilee.

He spoke of David's, and Isaiah's, poetry.

He told and taught us of a well assured Salvation;

and even called a crooked tax collector----me!---

into holy apostleship as my vocation.

Though crucified and slain, He rose up from the dead,

and dawning joy replaced our own sunsinking dread

(of course, exactly that was what He often said).

And, rising that new First Day, He went on ahead

to Galilee, His "down-home."  We followed to see

(and seeing, worshipped Him).  Secured now, from the lurch

of this lost world, and Rome's nasty administration,

we found in Jesus Christ our souls' real exultation

as He, in Galilee's regions, constructs His Church.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Galilee, in both Matthew's and Luke's Gospel, is the regional site of the Church's founding.  Botj Jerusalem and Antioch were missionary church's founded by Galilaeans, and not mother churches.  Even when Paul completed his first missionary journey, he was debriefed, so to speak, by the three prominent Galilaeans in Jerusalem---Peter, John, and James.  One French scholar, I forget who right now but will provide the cite when I retrieve it, called Galilee Terra Christiana, Christian earth.  According to some scholars, the most popular Scriptures in Galilee, before and during Christ's mninistry, were Isaiah's prophecy and the Psalms---both of which are heavily quoted by Jesus, especially in Matthew's Gospel.


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