[Ambassador, John Wall---the great horror story
writer known as Sarban---served as British
Ambassador to Paraguay, 1957-1958]
Despite this country's sultry, summer swelter,
it serves some former Nazis as a shelter.
Like swarms of pests, they gather here to dwell,
they hope, beyond the reach of Israel.
They swagger, showing off medals and scars,
and spend their time in brothels, dives, and bars.
"Arbeit macht frei," they sloganed, but some shirk
the bother of performing useful work.
They like to fuss that they are persecuted
but that is just a comforting conceit
to ease two shames: their late, total, defeat;
and bloodguilt, to each of those fools, imputed.
Herr und Frau von Braunau live here, retired.
Their lives are placid: he paints and she knits
But sometimes, she must listen to his fits
of raving rants (some of which can still stir her:
as in the old, exciting days, inspired---
throughout the Third Reich---by their erstwhile Fuhrer).