@ 27.225 MHz: Toward WallStones; Sarban Visits To Whitechapel, 1968

[To their memories:
Ambassador John Wall, aka Sarban (1910-1989);
Mary J. Kelly (1863-1888)]
Although decades have passed---all eighty years---
the shadows are the same, and haunted fears
(unspoken now, but just as much implied
as on the night that Mary Kelly died).
The squalor of these streets is terrible:
garbage, urine and cheap gin---ghastly smells---
still hover in the air, if not as much
as eighty years ago.  Walking by such
"landmarks" as Ripper's Corner, and Ten Bells
Pub, one feels a cold shiver in the soul:
worse, even, than ache of broken bone.
You think of Mary---walking here alone
and meeting that bent pervert who was sure
to murder---rather than to worship---her.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

The description of Whitechapel is largely inspired by Tom Cullen's unsurpassed reconstruction, When London Walked In Terror.   Under the pen name Sarban, Ambassador Wall wrote several horror stories and one science fiction/alternate history.   Mary Kelly is believed by some to be the fifth canonical victim of the serial killer known as Jack the Ripper.  Although I disagree, I have assumed that here because I believe it is what Sarban would have assumed (but I have posted elsewhere my hypothesis of what really happened at 13 Miller Court on November 9, 1988).  The Ten Bells Pub was Mary Kelly's preferred meeting or relaxing place.

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