For Shell Silverstein---A Tanka Sequence

[after his song, "Sylvia's Mother," as

performed by Doctor Hook]


Really, Shell?  Just how
many clues did you need?---on
the phone with her Mom,
who was handing them off to
you while Sylvia listened.


She reminded you:
your words could make Sylvia
cry, and want to change
her plans to leave (or, perhaps,
for whom she wanted to leave).


The train was scheduled---
departure for Galveston,
nine o'clock, tonight.
Time remains---for Sylvia
is still finishing packing.


Easy to hang up,
rush to the terminal and
locate the boarding
platform for the nine o'clock
to Galveston, and just wait.


Your words could make her
cry and change her mind, and her
mother told you this
and all the rest of it, too!
Shell, how did you miss these clues?





Author's Notes/Comments: 

Although I am not the first person to notice this particular aspect of the song's words, I am the first, I believe, to have put it into this form.

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