Footnote: 1937, A Sequence Of Tanka Poems

So many . . . old
Bolshevik's biographies
terminate in the
year nineteen thirty-seven;
Death's efficiency had been


in the Workers' Paradise
especially from
nineteen nineteen, in the House
of "special purpose"---murder:


four beautiful girls;
you, Maria, most gorgeous
of all; and your young
brother, the bleeder; all slain
to give power to the people,


for Lenin's anal
abstracts of vengeance disguised
as Marxist doctrine.
Even Alexei's dog was
killed.  The dog---really, Comrade?


All this reminds me
not to mourn Old Bolsheviks.
I hope they wept---I
hope they pissed their pinstriped
pants at the prospect of death.


I hope they felt the
maul of Hell open beneath
them; Hell that has no
time for committee meetings,
nor respect for commisars.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

A few notes:  Third tanka---in my own opinion, Maria was the most beautiful, because the most curvaceous, of the Czar's daughters.


Fourth tanka---I believe Lenin's primary purpose in Revolution was to exact revenge, for the execution of his older bother, from both the Romonov family and the Russian people as a whole.  Marxist doctrine, which then became Leninism, put a "liberal," even altruistic spin on what was a sinister intention kept alive for years  of furious introspection in that bulbous head of his.


Fourth tanka---they even killed the dog?  What threat could a dog have posed to the nighty Soviet Union and its omniscent communist party?


Fifth stanza---the pinstriped pants is meant to provide the impression of middle class administrators.  Consider some photographs of the Old Bolsheviks---they look like bank clerks.  Molotov, himself an Old Bolshevik who survived 1937 to become Stalin's foreign minister and chief bureaucrat of death, dressed in three-piece pinstriped suits, with excellent choice of hats.  He was considered to be the best dressed of the Bolsheviks, and could have passed (at least in style) for any of our corporate Chief Executive Officers, many of whom share his personal traits.


Fifth tanka---during the Revolution, some committee in charge of some function was always meeting and sending reports.

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