Nocturnes: Call Center Psycho, Part 2

[please see the disclaimer at the bottom of Part 1,

incorporated herein by reference]


Our man often wondered why callers-in

would speak to him and his associates

as one would speak to some stray dog one caught

leg-lifting to spray the garden with piss;

or else, reverting to infantile talk

or open threats . . . especially when he

and his associates had all access

to every caller's name and full address,

phone number and social security

number; also purchase histories.

Again, and yet again, and more again,

the callers took disatisfactions out

on our man and his associates.

Then the small need for retaliation

mutated in ghastly transformation,

becaming a furious monstrosity

that only found peace and satiety

in wreaking hard, irreperable harm,

as some former complainant "bought the farm."

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