At A Roman Soldier's Professional Doubt

Over legal, judicial executions,

Rome claims sole and exclusive jurisdiction.

Even in Rome, the normal distribution

means some beheading; mostly crucifixion.

(I once beheaded two---a lovers' case:

what shock on each decapitated face.)

Those crucified put on slower displays

of Rome's boundless, adjudicating powers.

Some of them last on crosses for three days.

But this one we just finished had expired

after a lifting up of just six hours.

That is, of course, less than we desired.

Darkness, an earthquake, and the local weather

spoiled my experience here, altogether.

I have requested transfer back to Rome.

Death follows expectations, closer home.




Also, the comments made by Pilate's wife

were overheard, today, and shared with us.

Her bold opinions could be dangerous:

her adolescent beauty has acquired

attention from Old Man Tiberius.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have offered the hypothesis, elsewhere, that Pilate's wife, mentioned in chapter 28 of Saint Matthew's Gospel, was actually Asinia, granddaughter of Vipsania Agrippina, the former wife of Tiberius (prior to his assumption of the imperial power), forcibly divorced from him by order of his stepfather, Augustus.  At Vipsania's funeral, in about 20 AD, Tiberius is said to have attended, and to have approached Asinia, offering only the remark that Asinia, then fifteen years old, exactly resembled her grandmother at that same age, the age at which she married Tiberius.  

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