Back in the barracks, Trellis asked for leave---
just a few hours, returning by nightfall.
He is a good soldier, nor would decieve
me with a falsehood. But I did not ask.
I knew how much his heart had been affected
during that crucifixion we directed:
three victims---one expired quite suddenly.
Trellis thought to go back to Calvary
(a short walk to that small ridge) to assist
the dead man's friends as they laid him to rest
(and Pilate had approved that, after all).
Entombment never is a pleasant task.
Trellis had no duty that night---none missed---
so I could not deny his fair request.
Now that all this is overwith and done,
I still believe (and oh, how it can stun
my mind): that thorn-crowned man was God's own Son.