Sonnet On Temptation And Its Use

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried,
he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to
them that love him.

---James 1:12


The devil only comes to raise up doubt

(in his inimitable way) about

the real and living Being who is his foe:

Whose graceful, Gospel words, preached here, we know---

The Christ.  In Him, we have our sure Salvation,

safely delivered from hell and damnation.

Against this Grace, the devil likes to rail,

hoping to cause a Christian's faith to fail.

But what the devil tries so hard to do

just proves the words of Jesus Christ are true:

the devil does not waste his energy

to cast doubt on some unreality.

Against this, though, the Christian can endure

with Christ's gift of graceborne strength, full and sure.





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