The Mail Arrives In Ephesus

We just recieved good news, most certainly;

delivered just this morning, sent by sea,

from Brother Luke, who wrote to us from Rome

to notify us:  Brother Timothy---

facing no charge---was set at liberty.

Our brother's letter has much more to say

in his inimitable style of Greek.

Of what he wrote we will have much to speak

about, I think, upon the next "Lord's Day."

Yes, much to hear and much more to discuss.

Meanwhile our brethren, here in Ephesus,

will want to welcome Timothy back home.

Now, for his swift arrival, let us pray.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem assumes that Saint Luke wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews; and that the problems described in Revelation 2, regarding the Ephesian church, were related to the problems discussed in Hebrews.  This, then, would suggest that both Saint Timothy's imprisonment, alluded to in Hebrews 13, and the Apostle Saint John's exile on Patmos were similtaneous.  In the absence of Saint Timothy, Bishop of Ephesus, the Lord directed Saint John to send apostolic directives to Ephesus.  This is a hypothesis only.



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