Auschwitz, Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau:
were these four names more chilling then, than now?
This darkest episode of History
disclosed human evil's depth and degree.
Auschwitz, Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau:
must be kept in our minds' forefronts somehow;
beacons of warning, lit by memory,
to mark shoals that shipwreck humanity.
Auschwitz, Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau:
six million---ten?---murdered; records in files;
the perpetrators made unique denials.
Some now scoff at what cold facts still avow.
Auschwitz, Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau:
upon you a new placard should be hung,
demanding ceaseless Götterdämmerung---
race myths, the "Fatherland," Moloch, and Baal.
Never To Forget
Records are destroyed or not kept - 10 million sounds like a better figure. If 10 or 100 million, the causes behind the deaths, the methods so evil, no number can atone for the methods of insanity and hate. -Stella-
Yes, and the more chilling
Yes, and the more chilling thought is that these murders were perpetrated/ordered/inspired not by thugs, but by people who, prior to the Third Reich, had occupied ordinary, common occupations right in the thick of their society. Goring was a pilot and airplane mechanic; Himmler had been a chicken farmer; Ribbentrop was a traveling liquor salesman; and Gimpy Joe Goebbels was a failed poet. People who had been dentists, accountants, shoe salesmen, and the like suddenly became coldblooded wholesale murderers.