@ 27.225 MHz: Avaloniad, 4; Fellowship Of Cousins, 3

"Cousin, do you know and will you tell me
"how did these stockings of ours come to be
"designed? Such soft silk, so translucently
"woven, ensheathes---with perfect accuracy---
"our legs and feet. Whence comes such artistry?"

"Neither objection nor perversity
"can change the facts of ancient history.
"Queen Cleopatra, the last Ptolemy,
"designed, and wore them first, for Antony---
"for love, for blisses of intimacy;
"a minor fact to some, who speak in prose;
"to others, though, it is real poetry.
"Like hers, ours are sheer with opacity
"(as if to tease) around the heels and toes,
"that look their best when flaunted shoelessly."

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