Evil Served In A Beer Garden

Herm, Heinie, Joachim, Wolf, and Gimpy Joe---
a rag-tag bunch of down-and-outs you know:
in any beer hall, every conversation
they have goes, always, back to domination
(the swagger of jack boots and riding crops
no longer hid in back rooms of small shops);
to use their instruments in imposition
of their supreme objective---the submission
which only gives their warped souls gratification.
Be not beguiled: this is not some small matter.
A real threat lies within their verbose chatter:
final solutions in high concentration,
imagined by these perverts none yet know---
Herm, Heinie, Joachim, Wolf, and Gimpy Joe.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Goering, Himler, Von Ribbentrop, Hitler and Goebbels.

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