Like A Dream

Like A Dream

I’ve waited all of my life

To meet someone like you.

I’ve never felt so much inside my heart,

as I do with you.

Your words and gestures,

Your beautiful smile and caring eyes

These are just some of the reasons

Why I feel the way I do.

It seems almost like a dream

To believe that you are with me

I appreciate you, value you, and enjoy you.

You are becoming an important part of my life.

You radiate love and kindness

Which is bringing out the best in me.

I like me when I’m with you.

Since meeting you I feel

Alive inside again

I feel like a teenager

You add so much to the quality of my life

I am complete when I am with you

I know this is just the beginning

Of something we will both treasure for a lifetime.

Something that will keep our smiles alive

I’m looking forward to learning about your heart

Your mind and your soul

I give my heart to you baby

And I trust in you to believe me when I say

You complete me.

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