What if i die today?
And never get to tell you what I have to say?
What if?
What if everything I dream of never comes true
And I never get to say to all my friends "I love you"
What if?
What if I let go and cant get myself back?
What then? would you cut me some slack?
What if?
What if I don't want stay
When the thought of something better leads me a stray
What if.
I hear ya all too well on this one
Somedays its scary how wrong things can get and you dont know WHO may be next....
Too many questions, no answers...lack of artistry or creativity, very, very cliche.
But I'm not trying to offend, honestly. If you're serious about poetry you should either stop by the boards for critique sometime or just send me pieces you want critiqued....
yeah, sometime i wonder what if too. Sometimes we dont know what will happen or why stuff just happens. But sometimes we shouldnt think about that stuff even though its really hard not too. Great poem Robin, i like it alot.
love a friend,