Let Me Go

I am what they say...
"a flamingo in a world of pigeons."

It's insane how our society is caught up in meeeting others standards.
I don't want to be what they want me to be.
Why should I have to follow someone else's expectations?
Isn't America the country of freedom?
Am I a failure because I can't reach the bar that you set for me?

I despise what we stand for.
Why should I feel any less for not getting to be me
and having to be you?
I have to be stressed and "pull my hair out"
over stupid circumstances?
This is ridiculous for me to the only one to feel like this!
Now, is this what God really intended for us?

And if you don't understand what I mean,
then your insight on life is as commercialized as they want it to be.

~Constricted to the basis we build our life upon~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Interpret it any way you want. I was just tired of being told what to do and that I was not good enough. Pretty much mad at the world and wanted freedom (still do). I just wanted to find myself but felt like I couldn't because I feel pressured by others around me to do otherwise.I know, it's very opinionated.3/26/10 

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You already did find

You already did find yourself, you just been too busy looking at everyone else's opinions.