
There's nothing left to say,
nothing left to do,
I lost every bit of love I had left
the day I found out the truth.

I thought the feelings I had for you were gone,
but instead they were just tucked away
in a place they just couldn't last another day.

So happy before, then everything changed
the day I saw your MySpace page.
Now I feel like I'm tied to some train tracks...just layed.

I gave all I could, I guess that just wasn't enough.
Damn son, nobody told me relationships would be this tough.

Do you see my face when you close your eyes like me,
or is darkness all that there can be?
It must all just be in my mind...a dream.

I keep tryna replace you,
not knowing that this is what it came too.
It's all gone now, no need to care,
like a fruit tree that all of a sudden decided to go bare.

So many promises made and left unkept,
like a dirty floor left unswept.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this when I couldn't get over a boy I fell in love with. Still really can't. But it's all good.

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girl frickn AMEN someone

girl frickn AMEN someone feels my pain                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

i been there n back, Im happy to be back